Weekly notices
Term 1 - Week 10 notices and reminders
Thursday - Pizza day
Friday - Ice blocks and flavoured milk for sale
Friday - Easter raffle tickets due in
Courtesy and safe driving around our school
We are once again reminding our community to put safety first around our school gates. We have an increasing number of parents parking on yellow lines outside the school, which interferes with visibility at the crossing. We also ask that you do not do U-turns by the crossing, on the Kawakawa Bay Road side of our school.
Please show courtesy and patience to our children and parents who are manning the crossings every day. They do this to keep our children safe and do not need to be met with impatience as they do this incredible service.
Thank you for your support.
Urgent help needed with road patrol
We are in desperate need of parents to help us with road patrol on the following days (if you’re not put off by the message above :-)
Monday, Thursday & Friday mornings
Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons
If you do pick up and drop off and are happy to spare 20-30 minutes, we would be most grateful. It is an important role to help us keep all our children safe.
Basketball skills sessions - expression of interest
We are gauging interest for basketball skills sessions on Wednesdays after school in term 2 with an external coach.
If you are interested in taking part, please see the details on this form and indicate your interest.
Updating your details
Please check that we have all your details correct on the school App. If you need to change anything, kindly email office@clevedonschool.co.nz.
Kapa haka tutors
We currently are on the lookout for new kapa haka tutors for our senior rōpu. If anybody in our community knows someone who may be able to help us out with this, we would be greatly appreciative. Kindly contact Mrs Sullivan if you can help principal@clevedonschool.co.nz.
Easter raffle sheets
Tickets came home last week with your children and are due back by Friday, 4 April. The raffle will be drawn on 10 April. The prizes for this raffle are the awesome buckets of Easter goodies we make up from the Easter items donated from the mufti day. Extra raffle sheets are available at the office. Thank you for your support.
Bizzy Bodz - holiday programme
The Bizzy Bodz Clevedon School April holiday programme is now live and bookable for parents. Please click on the link below for more information on what’s on offer.
Clevedon School April Holidays 2025
Term 1 - Week 9 notices and reminders
Wednesday - New playground installation begins! Woohoo!
Thursday - Pizza day
Friday - Friday Freeze
Friday - Second hand uniform shop open in the hall 8:30-9am
Friday - Ice blocks and flavoured milk for sale
Friday - Easter Mufti Day - see details below
Easter mufti day (non-uniform day)
On Friday we will be having our annual Easter mufti day. Please bring an item in for our incredible Easter raffles, organised by our PTFA. Items can be chocolates, easter decorations or anything you would enjoy winning in an Easter raffle basket (no alcohol or expired items please).
Easter raffle sheets
Tickets will be coming home with your children today and are due back by Friday, 4 April. The raffle will be drawn on 10 April. The prizes for this raffle are the awesome buckets of Easter goodies we make up from the Easter items donated from the mufti day on Friday. Extra raffle sheets are available at the office.
Urgent help needed with road patrol
We are in desperate need parents to help us with road patrol on the following days:
Monday, Thursday & Friday mornings
Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons
If you do pick up and drop off and are happy to spare 20-30 minutes, we would be most grateful. It is an important role to help us keep all our children safe.
Kapa haka tutors
We currently are on the lookout for new kapa haka tutors for our senior rōpu. If anybody in our community knows someone who may be able to help us out with this, we would be greatly appreciative. Kindly contact Mrs Sullivan if you can help principal@clevedonschool.co.nz.
Court bookings
If you need to use the courts afterschool for trainings e.g. for our school netball teams, please ensure you have a booking with the office. These will be on a first come basis.
Bizzy Bodz - holiday programme
The Bizzy Bodz Clevedon School April holiday programme is now live and bookable for parents. Please click on the link below for more information on what’s on offer.
Clevedon April Holidays 2025 - booklet powered by Fleepit
Term 1 - Week 8 notices and reminders
Thursday - Pizza day
Friday - Friday Freeze
Kapa haka tutors
We currently are on the lookout for new kapa haka tutors for our senior rōpu. If anybody in our community knows someone who may be able to help us out with this, we would be greatly appreciative. Kindly contact Mrs Sullivan if you can help principal@clevedonschool.co.nz.
Life Ed caravan - STARTS NEXT WEEK
The Life Education Caravan and Harold the Giraffe will be visiting our school in weeks 8 and 9 of this term (17-28 March). This is a programme that we take part in bi-annually, which delivers positive health-based lessons that help our tamariki develop respect, understanding and appreciation of the human body and its complexities. Life Education lessons are provided for children by an external provider.
There is a cost of $8 per child for the Life Education visits. Please visit Kindo to pay.
Further information about the programmes for each team will be provided once they are finalised.
Safety - school buses
If your child rides the bus, we remind you to please pick them up on the right side of the road - as in where the bus is. Please do not stand on the opposite side of the road and wave them to come to you. We have had complaints from other motorists that this blocks their view and they cannot see when a child is running across the road.
Please help keep all our children and the wider community safe.
Parking around the school - a notice from the police
We have been advised that our School Community Officers will be around at school pick up and drop off times to ensure that everyone is following the road rules.
Bizzy Bodz - holiday programme
The Bizzy Bodz Clevedon School April holiday programme is now live and bookable for parents. Please click on the link below for more information on what’s on offer.
Clevedon April Holidays 2025 - booklet powered by Fleepit
Term 1 - Week 7 notices and reminders
Thursday - Pizza day
Thursday - ECCS Football Funday (for those that have signed up)
Friday - Friday Freeze
Friday - Second hand uniform shop open 8:30 in the hall
Life Ed caravan (weeks 8 and 9)
The Life Education Caravan and Harold the Giraffe will be visiting our school in weeks 8 and 9 of this term (17-28 March). This is a programme that we take part in bi-annually, which delivers positive health-based lessons that help our tamariki develop respect, understanding and appreciation of the human body and its complexities. Life Education lessons are provided for children by an external provider.
There is a cost of $8 per child for the Life Education visits. Please visit Kindo to pay.
Further information about the programmes for each team will be provided once they are finalised.
International students - homestay
Another way we fill the hole in our budget is by hosting international students. We have quite a few students keen to be at our school in term 3 (July) and we are desperately looking for families to host these children in their homes for either one or two weeks.
You will be required to bring them to and from school
Feed and look after them as you do your own children
Each child must have their own bed and own room - but two international students can share a room (if they have their own bed)
Often the students have pre-arranged trips or programmes on the weekend, which take pressure off home-stay families
Families are remunerated $400/week/student
Families with junior aged students are welcome to apply. You do not need to have a child in the senior school to host students.
If you are interested, please fill in this form and one of our admin team will be in touch in due course.
Second hand uniforms needed
Our second hand uniform shop is a great service to our community, helping our parents save quite a lot of money. If you have old uniform items that no longer fit your child, please consider donating to the uniform shop. You can drop these off at our office or the uniform shop directly when it is open (every second Friday).
Items at the uniform shop are $5 or you can trade similar quality items.
Bizzy Bodz - holiday programme
The Bizzy Bodz Clevedon School April holiday programme is now live and bookable for parents. Please click on the link below for more information on what’s on offer.
Clevedon April Holidays 2025 - booklet powered by Fleepit
Bayleys Real Estate
Thank you to Denise and Courtney from Bayleys for supporting our school this year. They sponsor our ‘Caught Being Good’ hot chocolates and chocolate cake.
We are grateful for their support and hope the community can support them.
Term 1 - Week 6 notices and reminders
Thursday - Pizza day
Thursday - Year 4-8 Swimming carnivals (see details below)
Friday - Year 0-3 swimming carnival (see details below)
Friday - Friday Freeze
Swimming carnivals - Thursday and Friday
We are excited to be holding our non-competitive swimming carnivals next week. Kauri and Kōwhai teams will have theirs on Thursday, 6 March and Tōtara will have theirs on Friday, 7 March. Please see the respective notices linked for more information on event times and what to bring.
Tōtara swimming carnival - Year 0-3 (Friday)
Kauri and Kōwhai swimming carnival - Year 4-8 (Thursday)
Football funday - Year 5-8 only (week 7)
Yesterday we sent a letter home regarding our ECCS Football Funday coming up in week 7. If your child is interested in taking part in this fun day please complete the permissions and payment on Kindo. Please note that this is an optional event only for year 5-8 students who are interested in taking part.
Volunteers needed
Our school is responsible for the food stall at Football Funday. We need volunteers to help set up, cook and sell sausages, snacks and drinks, and to pack up. The time commitment is a couple of hours between 10am and 2pm on Thursday 13th March. If you are able to help, please email ptfa@clevedonschool.co.nz with your availability.
Life Ed caravan (weeks 8 and 9)
The Life Education Caravan and Harold the Giraffe will be visiting our school in weeks 8 and 9 of this term (17-28 March). This is a programme that we take part in bi-annually, which delivers positive health-based lessons that help our tamariki develop respect, understanding and appreciation of the human body and its complexities. Life Education lessons are provided for children by an external provider.
There is a cost of $8 per child for the Life Education visits. Please visit Kindo to pay.
Further information about the programmes for each team will be provided once they are finalised.
New senior playground
We have ordered a new playground! This is going to be put next to our existing senior playground on the field, and will hopefully be ready for use on the first day of term 2 (if all goes to plan).
As I shared last week, items like playgrounds, which we believe are an absolute necessity and crucial for children’s development, are not funded by the Ministry. So we are putting in a plea that if you are in a position to do so, please pay your child’s school donations. Thank you for all the ways you support us.
International students - homestay
Another way we fill the hole in our budget is by hosting international students. We have quite a few students keen to be at our school in term 3 (July) and we are desperately looking for families to host these children in their homes for either one or two weeks.
You will be required to bring them to and from school
Feed and look after them as you do your own children
Each child must have their own bed and own room - but two international students can share a room (if they have their own bed)
Often the students have pre-arranged trips or programmes on the weekend, which take pressure off home-stay families
Families are remunerated $400/week/student
Families with junior aged students are welcome to apply. You do not need to have a child in the senior school to host students.
If you are interested, please fill in this form and one of our admin team will be in touch in due course.
Second hand uniforms needed
Our second hand uniform shop is a great service to our community, helping our parents save quite a lot of money. If you have old uniform items that no longer fit your child, please consider donating to the uniform shop. You can drop these off at our office or the uniform shop directly when it is open (every second Friday).
Items at the uniform shop are $5 or you can trade similar quality items.
Term 1 - Week 5 notices and reminders
Monday & Tuesday - Kauri team (year 4-6) Education Outside the Classroom days
Wednesday - PTFA AGM at 7pm (details below)
Thursday - Pizza day (details below)
Friday - Friday Freeze (details below)
Friday - Second hand uniform shop open - 8:30-9am in the hall
Fundraising this year and school donations
We are so grateful for all the support we receive from our community to make our school the best it can be. Our big push and focus this year is on a new playground for our older tamariki (year 4-8). I think they will all agree that there is a desperate need for this. Items like playgrounds, which we believe are an absolute necessity and crucial for children’s development, are not funded by the Ministry. We have been working hard to get grants over the last few years and have not met with much success in this area. As such, we rely on our fundraisers and parent donations to fill the gaps.
We thank our PTFA who have recently donated $7000 to the school. These funds are thanks to all their efforts and the support of the community last year with events and fundraisers.
We also kindly ask that if you are in a position to do so, that you attend to the school donations that are in Kindo. As a previously high decile school (now low equity index school) we do not receive enough money in our operational grant to meet all our needs and rely on our donations from parents. Thank you in advance for supporting us with this.
We are hoping to have a new playground in by next term! We can’t wait!
Year 4-6 EOTC days (Education outside the classroom)
Please click here for the latest information about our upcoming EOTC days for the Kauri team next week - in case you’ve missed it.
Swimming carnivals (week 6)
We are excited to be holding our non-competitive swimming carnivals in week 6 of this term. Kauri and Kōwhai teams will have theirs on Thursday, 6 March and Tōtara will have theirs on Friday, 7 March. Please see the respective notices linked for more information on event times and what to bring.
Tōtara swimming carnival - Year 0-3
Kauri and Kōwhai swimming carnival - Year 4-8
PTFA drinks and nibbles in the TR Room Wednesday 26 February at 7pm
We warmly invite any parent or friend of Clevedon School to join us in the Teacher Resource Room (next to room 2) at school on Wednesday 26 February from 7pm for drinks and nibbles and our PTFA AGM.
We will be discussing our plans for 2025 and are gratefully accepting any offers of help on any of those planned projects, as well as new ideas and suggestions. Our objective is jointly to raise money for the school AND to make memories for our children. So get your thinking caps on and come along for a drink!
We will also be holding our AGM that evening and would love some fresh faces on our Executive Committee to take the lead on organising our fundraising events. Many hands make light work, so please consider putting your hand up to help out with these important events for our school!
For further information and to RSVP, please email ptfa@clevedonschool.co.nz
Life Ed caravan (weeks 8 and 9)
The Life Education Caravan and Harold the Giraffe will be visiting our school in weeks 8 and 9 of this term (17-28 March). This is a programme that we take part in bi-annually, which delivers positive health-based lessons that help our tamariki develop respect, understanding and appreciation of the human body and its complexities. Life Education lessons are provided for children by an external provider.
There is a cost of $8 per child for the Life Education visits. Please visit Kindo to pay.
Further information about the programmes for each team will be provided once they are finalised.
Friday Freeze and Pizzas
Friday Freeze (ice blocks, juicies and flavoured milk) started last week. Friday Freeze is ordered in the classroom on Friday mornings with the correct amount of cash please. Friday Freeze items are $2 each.
Pizzas started this week - Thursdays. These can now be ordered through Kindo. Orders must be received by Wednesday 10am at the latest.
If your child catches the school bus, please let the office know which days they will be on the bus. You can do this by filling in this form and returning it to the office.
The bus is a great way to get your children to and from school and both our bus runs have space. Our bus drivers are lovely and are keen to get more students using the service. Please fill in the form or contact the office to check if your child is eligible.
North Road - Road works
The second phase of the North Road roadworks will commence on 24 Feb 2025. This will also be a full road closure for 3½ weeks, with residents’ access only. The bus will not be affected as the work is past the bus turning point. Please allow plenty of time to get your children to and from school.
Term 1 - Week 4 notices and reminders
Wednesday and Thursday - Whanaungatanga meetings (see details below)
Thursday - Pizza day (see details below)
Friday - Teacher Only Day - school closed for students
Teacher only day - Friday, 21 February (week 4)
A reminder that Friday, 21 February is a Teacher Only Day.
Our second teacher only day for the year is scheduled for term 2, week 5 (30 May).
Bizzy Bodz is running a special day, if you need supervision for your children on Friday.
Whanaungatanga meetings (3 way conferences)
This year our whanaungatanga meetings are being held on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th February. This letter gives you more information on these meetings.
Please fill out a form for your child using the class links below (please ensure you use the correct class for each of your children so that the information goes to the correct teacher):
Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13
Room 14 Room 15 Room 16 Room 18
Please book your appointments via the school app. Details are in the letter. We look forward to engaging with all our whānau over these two nights.
Year 4-6 EOTC days (Education outside the classroom)
Please click here for the latest information about our upcoming EOTC days for the Kauri team in week 5.
PTFA drinks and nibbles in the TR Room Wednesday 26 February at 7pm
We warmly invite any parent or friend of Clevedon School to join us in the Teacher Resource Room (next to room 2) at school on Wednesday 26 February from 7pm for drinks and nibbles and our PTFA AGM.
We will be discussing our plans for 2025 and are gratefully accepting any offers of help on any of those planned projects, as well as new ideas and suggestions. Our objective is jointly to raise money for the school AND to make memories for our children. So get your thinking caps on and come along for a drink!
We will also be holding our AGM that evening and would love some fresh faces on our Executive Committee to take the lead on organising our fundraising events. Many hands make light work, so please consider putting your hand up to help out with these important events for our school!
For further information and to RSVP, please email ptfa@clevedonschool.co.nz
Life Ed caravan
The Life Education Caravan and Harold the Giraffe will be visiting our school in weeks 8 and 9 of this term (17-28 March). This is a programme that we take part in bi-annually, which delivers positive health-based lessons that help our tamariki develop respect, understanding and appreciation of the human body and its complexities. Life Education lessons are provided for children by an external provider.
There is a cost of $8 per child for the Life Education visits. Please visit Kindo to pay.
Further information about the programmes for each team will be provided once they are finalised.
Friday Freeze and Pizzas
Friday Freeze (ice blocks, juicies and flavoured milk) started last week. Friday Freeze is ordered in the classroom on Friday mornings with the correct amount of cash please. Friday Freeze items are $2 each.
Pizzas started this week - Thursdays. These can now be ordered through Kindo. Orders must be received by Wednesday 10am at the latest.
If your child catches the school bus, please let the office know which days they will be on the bus. You can do this by filling in this form and returning it to the office.
The bus is a great way to get your children to and from school and both our bus runs have space. Our bus drivers are lovely and are keen to get more students using the service. Please fill in the form or contact the office to check if your child is eligible.
Swimming carnivals
We are excited to be holding our non-competitive swimming carnivals in week 6 of this term. Kauri and Kōwhai teams will have theirs on Thursday, 6 March and Tōtara will have theirs on Friday, 7 March. Please see the respective notices linked for more information on event times and what to bring.
Tōtara swimming carnival - Year 0-3
Kauri and Kōwhai swimming carnival - Year 4-8
North Road - Road works
The second phase of the North Road roadworks will commence on 24 Feb 2025. This will also be a full road closure for 3½ weeks, with residents’ access only. The bus will not be affected as the work is past the bus turning point. Please allow plenty of time to get your children to and from school.
Term 1 - Week 3 notices and reminders
Thursday - Pizza day (see details below)
Friday - Ice blocks and flavoured milk on sale - $2 each (see details below)
Friday - Second hand uniform shop open 8:30-9am in the hall
Today is the last day that notices are doubled up on email and the school app. From next week only the app will be used. Please call our office if you are not set up. Even if you are all set up, it is a good time to check your notification settings.
Teacher only day - Friday, 21 February (week 4)
A reminder that Friday, 21 February is a Teacher Only Day. Please mark this on your calendars.
Whanaungatanga meetings (3 way conferences)
Whanaungatanga (whanau-nga-tanga) is the forming, maintaining and strengthening of relationships between people and communities. The 3 Way Conferences that we have held at the start of each year has always had this kaupapa at its heart.
This year our whanaungatanga meetings are being held on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th February. This letter gives you more information on these meetings.
Please fill out a form for your child using the class links below (please ensure you use the correct class for each of your children so that the information goes to the correct teacher):
Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13
Room 14 Room 15 Room 16 Room 18
Please book your appointments via the school app. Details are on the letter. We look forward to engaging with all our whānau over these two nights.
Friday Freeze and Pizzas
Friday Freeze (ice blocks, juicies and flavoured milk) started today. Friday Freeze is ordered in the classroom on Friday mornings with the correct amount of cash please. Friday Freeze items are $2 each.
Pizzas start next week (week 3) - Thursdays. These can now be ordered through Kindo. Orders must be received by Wednesday 10am at the latest.
If your child catches the school bus, please let the office know which days they will be on the bus. You can do this by filling in this form and returning it to the office.
School uniform reminder
We kindly ask that parents support their children to be in the correct uniform daily, in particular the correct shoes. The summer uniform is sandals and they are to be mostly black please.
Hats are also crucial this time of year. You do not need to purchase the school uniform hat, however, hats need to be navy blue or as close to our school blue as possible. They are available at a reasonable price at The Warehouse and Kmart.
Please support us by ensuring your child is not coming in the latest, most expensive sneakers and baseball caps. They will be asked to take them off.
Thank you for your support.
PTFA drinks and nibbles in the TR Room Wednesday 26 February at 7pm
We warmly invite any parent or friend of Clevedon School to join us in the TR Room at school on Wednesday 26 February from 7pm for drinks and nibbles and our PTFA AGM.
We will be discussing our plans for 2025 and are gratefully accepting any offers of help on any of those planned projects, as well as new ideas and suggestions. Our objective is jointly to raise money for the school AND to make memories for our children. So get your thinking caps on and come along for a drink!
We will also be holding our AGM that evening and would love some fresh faces on our Executive Committee to take the lead on organising our fundraising events. Many hands make light work, so please consider putting your hand to help out with these important events for our school!
For further information and to RSVP, please email ptfa@clevedonschool.co.nz
Who do I see if I have a query or concern about my child
As parents you know your children best and you are their biggest advocates, as such, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch. We strongly believe that the stronger our partnership is with you, the better we can cater for all our children. If you have a query:
Email your child’s teacher in the first instance - request a suitable meeting time or for them to call you if you prefer
If, after working with the teacher, you have more queries or need further clarification, please contact the right team leader or Mrs Park, our deputy principal.
Year 0-3 - Mrs Jodie Boyle
Year 4-6 - Mr Chris Morgan
Year 6-8 - Mrs Stacey Connolly
Deputy principal - Mrs Sarah Park
You are also always welcome to call our office and they will be able to direct you to the right person.
If your child has additional needs, your go to contact is Mrs Jodie Boyle who is also our Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
Please note, as our teachers are busy with children during the day, they cannot take phone calls. They will however call you when they are able to, if you email them with this request. We can also set up Zoom meetings if you are not able to make it to school. All staff email addresses can be found on our website.
Term 1 - Week 2 notices and reminders
Thursday - Waitangi Day - school closed
Friday - Iceblocks and flavoured milk on sale - $2 each (see details below)
Friday - open morning 8:30-9am and then 9:10-10am
Friday - Last day that emails will be sent as well as app messages - please ensure your app is set up and that you are logged on with the right notification settings
Thank you
A huge thank you for helping us have a very smooth start to the year. Our children knew where to go on day one, where they get picked up from and have been really settled. Thank you for all the prep you have done with your tamariki around this.
Thank you also for getting onto the stationery orders so quickly. This has helped our office staff and has meant that nearly all our children are now ready for learning in the right books.
We appreciate all your support.
School App
Our school app is our main mechanism for getting comms out to you. Please check that you are still signed into the app if you have used it before, and if not, ensure you are set up before school starts. For assistance, contact the school office.
This message, and others have been emailed to you (in case our new families do not have the app set up) and also sent out on the app. If you did not get an app notification, please check that you are still logged in and your app notifications are on and enabled on your phone. From next week only the app will be used and you may miss out on crucial information.
Open morning - Friday
On Friday morning you are invited to visit your child’s class from 9:10am to 10am (or if you are around from 8:30-9am). You can see what the room is like, and what they’ve been working on over the last few days of school and get a feel for the class. Please allow our teachers to do the roll and account for every child first. You can stay for the whole time or pop in and go as you need. As you know, you are always welcome to pop in from 8:30-9am each day.
School office opening hours and contacts
The school office is open weekdays from 8:30am to 3:30pm.
Please use the school app or email absences@clevedonschool.co.nz to let us know that your child will be away.
Our office gets pretty busy so any non-urgent matters can be emailed to office@clevedonschool.co.nz. This is preferable to a phone call.
Any changes to pick up instructions for your child will need to be communicated to the office by 2:30pm at the very latest.
Teacher only day - Friday, 21 February (week 4)
A reminder that Friday, 21 February is a Teacher Only Day. Please mark this on your calendars.
Road works on North Road
We have been advised that there will be road works on North Road for the next three weeks with a stop/go sign in place.
Please allow plenty of time for pick ups and drop offs and put our children's safety first by being very patient.
Your child’s information
Please check the details we have for you on the school app. If any of this information is incorrect, kindly email the office asap.
Do we have the right contact numbers and emails?
Do we have other emergency contacts listed if we cannot get a hold of you?
Have you updated your child’s medical information with the office (if necessary)?
Whanaungatanga meetings (3 way conferences)
Whanaungatanga (whanau-nga-tanga) is the forming, maintaining and strengthening of relationships between people and communities. The 3 Way Conferences that we have held at the start of each year has always had this kaupapa at its heart.
This year our whanaungatanga meetings are being held on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th February. This letter gives you more information on these meetings.
Please fill out a form for your child using the class links below (please ensure you use the correct class for each of your children so that the information goes to the correct teacher):
Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13
Room 14 Room 15 Room 16 Room 18
Please book your appointments via the school app. Details are on the letter. We look forward to engaging with all our whānau over these two nights.
Friday Freeze
Friday Freeze (ice blocks, juicies and flavoured milk) start in week 2 (next week).
Friday Freeze is ordered in the classroom on Friday mornings with the correct amount of cash please. Friday Freeze items are $2 each.
Pizzas start in week 3 on Thursdays. These can be ordered through Kindo. More details will come to you next week.
If your child catches the school bus, please let the office know which days they will be on the bus. You can do this by filling in this form.
Team newsletters
Please click on each link below for team newsletters. There you will find what your child’s learning foci are for the term.
Tōtara team newsletter - years 0-3
Kauri team newsletter - years 4-6
Kōwhai team newsletter - years 7-8
Start of the year notices and reminders
Nau mai hoki mai ki ngā whānau o Clevedon
Ngā mihi o te tau hou - happy new year! We hope you’ve had a wonderful summer so far.
We are looking forward to having all our tamariki and whānau back in school on Wednesday, 29 January, and we extend a special warm welcome to any new whānau who will be joining us for the first time this year. We look forward to working alongside you.
Below you will find some information for the first couple of weeks in preparation for the term ahead. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us once the office reopens on Wednesday.
Enjoy your last few days and see you all soon.
Ngā mihi
Edeh Sullivan
School office opening hours this week
The school office will be open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week from 9am-2pm, should you have any questions or need anything prior to school opening. Otherwise feel free to call our friendly office staff, Donna or Susanna and they will be happy to help you.
Once school opens for children, our school hours of 8:30am-3:30pm will resume.
Open afternoon in January
On Friday, 24 January our teachers will be at school working and setting up their classrooms. You are welcome to pop in casually with your child between the hours of 1:30pm-3:00pm to meet their teacher. You do not have to do this, but some children find it helpful with their transition. You will have had a letter from the class teacher by then, letting you know which class they will be in.
Second hand uniform shop
Our lovely volunteers will have the shop open during the open afternoon on Friday, 24 Jan from 1:30-3pm.
During the term, it will be open every second Friday (odd weeks) - see the school calendar.
Please donate any old items as it will help other families tremendously.
You can purchase items for $5 or swap for items in a similar condition.
Uniform 2025
Kindly visit our school website for information on uniforms, including where to purchase.
School stationery
As per our school organisation, we have bulk purchasing power and have all school stationery packs ready to go for the first day of school. All paid stationery will be in classrooms ready for children on the first day. There is no need to cover the exercise books in duraseal or the like.
We ask that you help us by kindly paying for the stationery through KINDO by the end of the summer holidays. If you have any issues regarding stationery please do not hesitate to call us.
This letter explains the stationery requirements for 2025. Stationery packs will be available for you to pay on your Kindo account from tomorrow.
Letter from your child’s new teacher
Your child’s new teacher will email them (using your email address) to introduce themselves and to let your child know which room they are in. Please note that our class lists are not finalised until you get this letter from your child’s teacher. The letters are due to come out to you by Thursday. If you have not received an email by Thursday, please contact our school office to find out which class your child will be in.
First day of school - Wednesday 29 January
Please arrive at school between 8:30am-8:40am
Make your way to your child’s room, where the teacher will be ready to greet you
Your child needs to have:
summer uniform
a good packed lunch and a large water bottle
a hat (named)
sunscreen (applied in the morning and some in their bag to re-apply during the day)
additional stationery as per the stationery list (see the stationery letter for details)
The school gates open at 2:50pm - please ensure you know where to pick your child up from
Our year 1-3 children will be with their teacher until someone comes to the class to pick them up
Our school buses will operate as per normal
If you are new to our school, we welcome you to join us for a pōwhiri in our hall at 10:30am. Feel free to bring along any whānau with you.
Pōwhiri for new whānau on the first day
We welcome all our new families to join us for a pōwhiri (welcoming ceremony) at 10:30am on the first day of school. Please gather outside the hall, where you will be called/welcomed in with our new students. After the pōwhiri, new whānau are welcome to the staffroom to share some kai and meet the staff.
Please note that children will be looked after by class teachers and brought to the hall for the pōwhiri.
School App
Our school app is our main mechanism for getting comms out to you. Please check that you are still signed into the app if you have used it before, and if not, ensure you are set up before school starts. For assistance, contact the school office.
This message, and others for the next couple of weeks will be emailed to you (in case our new families do not have the app set up) and also sent out on the app. If you did not get an app notification, please check that you are still logged in and your app notifications are on and enabled on your phone. From week 3, only the app will be used.
How we communicate with you
If you are new to us you may not know our mechanisms for communicating with you. Some will require a bit of set up and getting used to on your part, but will hopefully soon become normal.
School App - most of our notices and letters are shared via the @school App. You will need to download the App and talk to our office to sort out your login and password. This is a pretty crucial tool to get set up sooner, rather than later. It also has other helpful features that you can navigate.
Weekly Notices - these are sent out on Fridays and have important notices about the week ahead. These are on our website and sent to you each week via the App.
Seesaw - Teachers will be in touch to connect you to this App. Seesaw can be used for learning for children in the classroom, but is also used as a closed format ‘social media’ for teachers to give you a window into the classroom. New classes will get rolled out in the first week or two. Contact your child’s teacher for help with Seesaw.
Website - our website has quite a lot of information you may find useful.
School Facebook page - You can follow us on Facebook by searching for our school. This is purely a social media platform used to celebrate our children and events - and not usually used to inform. It is not a place for questions or queries.
Text messages - We will use this if we need to get urgent information out to you or if there is an emergency. You may sometimes get a text if we haven’t heard from you regarding a child’s absence.
The above is a list of the mechanisms we use. You, of course, are always welcome to call into the office, email or make an appointment to meet with relevant personnel.
Waste free weekdays
We would like to encourage all our families to ensure lunch boxes are waste free. This will help us greatly at school and help reduce waste. Teachers may share some lunchbox ideas with you on Seesaw over the next few weeks.
Term dates and teacher only days
School structure and staffing
Please see below for this year’s school structure and the teaching team staff.
Year 4-8 BYOD iPads
Please click here for information on BYOD iPads for years 4-8.
Year 4-6 EOTC event 2025
Year 4-6 (Kauri team) parents, click here for the information letter about EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) days coming up in February.
Community notices
Items of interest are at times posted on the community notices page on our website. You may like to keep an eye on this page.