Clevedon School - Clevedon kids living and learning with PRIDE

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Protecting our children in the digital world is an ever-evolving task for families and schools. Now, more than ever, parents are looking for guidance and support on how to manage their children's screen-time, deal with negative online experiences, manage peer relationships, and navigate the complex and rapidly-evolving world of gaming and social media. 

We strongly recommend setting up filters on your child’s device to keep them safe from inappropriate websites and apps when they are at home. Many of the apps/games that children use these days contain inappropriate advertisements or the ability to chat live with other people online. 

As a school we have a partnership with a company called Linewize, which enables us to filter and block any potentially online risks for our students, whilst at school or logged into their school Google account at home. These filters enable us to see if a child attempts to access anything inappropriate at school, whilst on our network. This is why, we strongly recommend that their school iPad is wifi only and cannot access the internet through its own sim card. 

Here are some places you can find more information on keeping your kids safe online:

  • The Parenting Place: an excellent online resource for parents, with a range of informative and helpful articles on a range of parenting topics. 

  • Netsafe: this website provides information about how to keep your child safe, along with information on apps and sites your child might be interested in accessing

  • Keep It Real Online: a comprehensive site loaded with lots of information about all things cybersafety for parents.